[Duplicated] الشبكة الفلسطينية لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة 3
الشبكة الفلسطينية لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة 3
[Duplicated] Palestinian Network for Early Childhood Development
Palestinian Network for Early Childhood Development
The Palestinian Network for Early Childhood Development:
The Palestinian Network for Early Childhood Development:
Background: The Palestinian Network for Early Childhood was formed as an extension of the Arab Network for Early Childhood and a member of it. Children in Arab countries and societies are entitled to their rights, happiness and well-being in an enriching environment of freedom, justice and equality. The goals of the Palestinian Network for Early Childhood Development: The Palestinian Network for Early Childhood aims to put the... read more
Health care and proper nutrition for mother and child
Health care and proper nutrition for mother and child
A healthy, supportive physical, psychological and social environment
A healthy, supportive physical, psychological and social environment
Food security
Food security
Social interaction
Social interaction
Positive and effective parenting
Positive and effective parenting